CEOMikko works as the CEO of Druid and joined the company in 2014. His role is to help the people at Druid to succeed and focus on their work while he ensures that the everyday life is working as it should. When something needs to be changed, transformed or things just go wrong – that's when Mikko is at his best.
About work: "Every day is different, and you never know what to expect when starting your day. I don't have two similar days", Mikko explains. He finds the meaningfulness for his work in what the company can do and achieve in the long run. "It's really great to see where we are headed and how I can impact our direction in the long run", he adds. Not all work is inspiring though. Sometimes Mikko needs to empty the dishwasher, send some company swag to employees or just water the plants. Stuff that needs to be done but there is no one else to do that. "You cannot have a big ego working as the CEO for such a small company", he adds.
Life outside of work: Hunting, hunting and hunting. Mikko has calculated that hunting probably takes up about 15% of his time during the year. That equals to 50 hunts yearly. He enjoys being able to organize his work around his hobby – there's basically something you can hunt year-round. Grouse hunting is Mikko's favorite. "There is something idyllic about this, even if you can't always get a catch", he explains. Mikko also has a hunting dog, Laku, who occasionally visits the office when not hunting for rabbits.